Sir Tyrone Guthrie, founder of the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, had a personal psychological fascination with Shakespeare's play "Hamlet." He directed it five times in his long career as a stage director and it was the inaugural production in May, 1963, for the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis. Guthrie’s investment in the play had deeper roots than its cultural prestige: the prince Hamlet was in some sense a haunted and haunting image of his own identity as a rebellious, non-conformist stage director.
Presenter Bio:
Originally from Dublin, Ireland, Patrick O’Donnell has been living in Minnesota since 1994. He joined the Normandale English Department in 1999. He is currently working on his doctoral thesis at University College Dublin. It is titled: ‘The Irish roots of the Guthrie Theatre’ and it explores various biographical and historical contexts of Sir Tyrone Guthrie, the founder of that theatre from 1959- 1963, and Joe Dowling, who orchestrated its re-invention from 1998-2006.
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