Friday, February 19th, from noon – 12:50 p.m.
Room C1016 (Please note that this is a room change!)
Hearty Minnesotans have more to worry about than snow shoveling! We aren't getting enough Vitamin D. About 60% of Minnesotans are estimated to be deficient in Vitamin D. Who cares, you ask? You may if you want to decrease your risk for cancer, heart disease, depression and other chronic diseases. Find out more about Vitamin D and what you can do if you can't travel to the beach over spring break!
Linda is a Registered Dietitian with expertise in clinical nutrition, food service management and online learning. As a nutritionist, preventing chronic disease has always been an interest of Linda's. She likes to spread the prevention message whenever she can. It's her contribution to cutting health care costs!
New Ideas and Discussion
Normandale Colloquium Series 2009 - 2010