How do I love thee? I'm not sure...how should I love you?
With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, thoughts and expressions of love can be found in the Hallmark card aisle and boxes filled with Godiva chocolates. The varieties of symbols used to express love and affection are often confusing for both the sender and the receiver of the emotions. Chocolate, it turns out, doesn’t always = love. Go figure.
As human beings, we use language and nonverbal expressions to communicate love and affection. Knowing how different people interpret this abstract word and how they show love to others may help minimize confusion and strengthen interpersonal relationships. Learning our own love currency may also help us communicate our needs to others.
Presenter Bio:
Jennifer Thompson Isaac is a faculty member in the Communication department at NCC. She is also a practicing communicator of many emotions, including this one. And she really likes chocolate.
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